ADM1021AARQZ Overview
As per Tube's materials, packaged.Output Type SMBus is used.Its low package cost makes it appealing to electronic industry professionals.As Temp Monitoring System (Sensor), it is capable of acting.Surface Mount is mounted on it.There is a Type Internal and External incorporated into it.For reliable operation, it is important to maintain a temperature of 0°C~100°C.By providing 3V~5.5V Supply Voltage, you can ensure its normal operation.Thermal management is possible to measure the sensing temperature of 0°C~100°C External Sensor.Regardless of package, temperature, or other variants, the Base Part Number of ADM1021A identifies the Type.16 pins are included.There are 16 terminations can be found.The supply voltage is 3.3V.The analog IC type is ANALOG CIRCUIT.As long as the peak reflow temperature of 260 is within a typical range, it can be used.3.3V volts is its operating voltage.When we reach 1 B, we can distinguish two points on a waveform based on their amplitude distance.Thermal management operates on 5μA current.Using a maximum DC supply voltage of 5.5V, it operates.3V is the minimum Supply Voltage (DC) it operates at.At the output terminal, 300μA current is generated.
ADM1021AARQZ Features
Available in the 16-SSOP (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package
ANALOG CIRCUIT as analog IC type
Peak reflow temperature (Cel) of 260
Operating supply voltage of 3.3V
Operating supply current of 5μA
ADM1021AARQZ Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor
ADM1021AARQZ applications of thermal management.
- Power Supplies
- Industrial Equipment
- PCs and Notebooks
- Data Storage
- Data Communications Equipment
- Instrumentation
- Workstations
- Servers
- Networking
- Telecommunications