There is a package named Tape & Reel (TR) that contains it.The product comes in the package of a 24-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP.It appears that the device's mounting type is Surface Mount.It is best to set the temperature to 0°C~100°C TA.The device relies on an analog IC called BATTERY CHARGE CONTROLLER to operate.To charge the device, there is a requirement for Constant - Programmable current.With the base part number ADP3808, it is possible to find related parts.It is possible to find a total of 24 terminations.A battery pack is going to have a voltage of 18V.With 24 pins on it, it has a very simple design.To operate the product, it is necessary that 24 pins be inserted into the device.In general, it is recommended to use devices with 22V maximum supply voltages.Aligning it with Surface Mount is required for mounting.20V is the input voltage for the device.Voltages below 10V volts are minimal.The part's switching frequency is at most 1000kHz.22V is its maximum input voltage.
ADP3808JCPZ-RL Features
Battery pack voltage of 18V 24-VFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP package
ADP3808JCPZ-RL Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor ADP3808JCPZ-RL Battery Chargers ICs applications.