LV5636VH-MPB-H is a Bi-CMOS Integrated circuit for BS/CS antennas DC/DC converter. LV5636VH-MPB-H integrates lch DC/DC boost converter and 1ch LDO. It is suitable as the power supply for BS/CS antennas of LCD/PDP TV and BD recorders that require automatic recovery without IC destruction and malfunction when the output is short-circuited. The Operating and Storage Temperature Range is between -40 and 150℃. And the transistor LV5636VH-MPB-H is in the HSSOP14(225mil) package with 1.45W power dissipation.
LV5636VH-MPB-H Features
Under-voltage lockout
Thermal shut-down protector
Power good
Power good delay function
Output voltage setting resistor
Output voltage switching function (BS/CS)
Vcc maximum supply voltage-Vcc max: -0.3 to 25V
LDOIN maximum input voltage-VL DOIN max: -0.3 to 30V