The product is packaged using Tape & Reel (TR) in order to maximize its cost-effectiveness. In applications requiring additional insulation, the 32-LQFP package can be used instead. As a result of the supply voltage of 3V~3.6V, reliable performance is possible. This type of mounting is based on the Surface Mount technique. A temperature range of -40°C~85°C is available. A 1024 tap/step configuration is provided. Many related parts with the same base part number MC100EP196 are universally preferred. A terminal is located at QUAD. In order to provide unique configurations, it is equipped with 32 terminations. When the device is operating, the supply voltage of 3.3V is provided. As its logic type, ACTIVE DELAY LINE is used. If the minimum supply voltage is 3V, it is acceptable for it to operate. It is acceptable for it to operate at the maximum voltage 3.6V. In Surface Mount, it is mounted. A flexible power supply is provided for the operation of +-3.3V. A series of 32 pins have been arranged to form the design. As a result of its NECL MODE: VCC=0 WITH VEE=-3.0 V TO -3.6 V combined with other specific characteristics, it is well suited to a wide variety of applications. There are many electronic devices in the 100EP series, which are considered to be the most important.
MC100EP196FAR2 Features
Supply voltage at Tape & Reel (TR) volts operate supply current at 3.3V with ACTIVE DELAY LINE bits supply type: +-3.3V Mounting Type: 100EP
MC100EP196FAR2 Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC100EP196FAR2 Delay Lines Timing ICs applications.