A package that includes 8-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width). There is one package included in this package and that is the Tape & Reel (TR) package. As well as the Surface Mount version, it is available. In addition, it has a fully functional Differential output. The communication type used by this application is NOR/OR Gate logic. At -40°C~85°C, the operating temperature is extended. There are 4 inputs in it. The product belongs to the 100LVEL series. It uses a 3V~3.8V-type power supply to operate. The part has 8 terminations as part of its design. In order to find more parts that are similar, you can search 100LVEL01. The pins are joined by 8 pins. Easy installation and disassembly are provided by the Surface Mount-shaped device. In this case, we have a 8 solution for logic gates. For this part, the normal voltage is 3.3V. The Gates represents a specialiGatesed need if you would like to be more specific. As long as the device is in a quiescent state, there is a current of 15mA flowing over it. A proper TAPE AND REEL package is included in the package. For this particular device to start up, it is necessary to have 3V or a higher voltage. In the compact package, you will find 1 gates that are included. As part of the device, 2 outputs are employed.