A package in 16-SOIC (0.209, 5.30mm Width). The Tube package contains the following files. Available in Surface Mount. The Differential output function of this machine is fully functional. Communication is handled by NOR/OR Gate logic. A higher operating temperature at 0°C~75°C can be achieved. It contains inputs for the 9 Input (4, 5) axis. The product belongs to the 10H series. The part includes 16 terminations. Check out 10H109 to see more similar parts. As you can see, it is joined with 16 pins. It is designed as a Surface Mount device for easy install and dismount. Logic gate applications can be implemented with this 16 solution. From the 10H product line, it is available. I am referring to the Gates for specialiGatesed needs. Packaged in a proper RAIL format. The compact package comes with 2 gates as part of it. Providing power to the device requires at least -4.94V volts of voltage. This device can feed on voltage as high as -5.46V.