The item is packaged in 20-LCC (J-Lead)cases. The Tubepackage contains it. In the configuration, Differentialis used as the output. JK flip flop uses Positive Edgeas the trigger. Surface Mountmounts this electrical part. The JK flip flop operates with an input voltage of -4.9V~-5.46V volts. It is operating at a temperature of 0°C~75°C TA. This D latch has the type D-Type. In terms of FPGAs, it belongs to the 10H series. There should be no greater frequency than 250MHzon its output. This process consumes 56mA quiescents. A total of 20terminations have been recorded. You can search similar parts based on 10H131. It belongs to the family of electronic devices known as 10H. There is an electronic part that is mounted in the way of Surface Mount. Basically, it is designed with a set of 20 pins. This device exhibits a clock edge trigger type of Positive Edge. This device is part of the FF/Latchesbase part number family. Despite its superior flexibility, it relies on 2 circuits to achieve it. Considering the reliability of this T flip flop, it is well suited for RAIL. In addition to its maximum design flexibility, the output current of the T flip flop is 50mA. A high level output current of 50mAis set. It is set to 50mAfor the low level output current.
MC10H131FNG Features
Tube package 10H series 20 pins
MC10H131FNG Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC10H131FNG Flip Flops applications.