Tube-like design has been used for the package.A version 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) of the package includes it.Display drivers has a Display type of LCD.Display drivers is mounted on the board wDisplay driversh the help of Surface Mount.Its operating temperature is -55°C~125°C.Using a 3V~18VV power source should be sufficient.Terminating transmission lines with devices with matching impedances is called 16 termination.The device belongs to the MC14543B family.The entire device is made up of 16 pins.The 16-pin design is what makes it so unique.Display drivers is mounted using the Surface Mount axis on the board, so that the component can be easily removed.The supply voltage of this device is 5V.There is a need to supply 10μA with the necessary supply current for it to function at full capacity.If high efficiency is to be achieved, the supply voltage should be maintained at 15V.Drivers consumes 20μA of quiescent current wDrivershout being affected by external factors. It uses the logic IC known as SEVEN SEGMENT DECODER/DRIVER in its design.