20-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) contains it. Tube is the packaging method. It uses Tri-State as the output. There is D-Type Transparent Latch logic type for this electrical device. This electronic part is mounted in the way of Through Hole. A voltage of 2V~6V is used as the supply voltage for this device. It operates at -55°C~125°C degrees Celsius. An FPGA of this type belongs to the 74HC series. The design of this electronic part contains 8 bits. In this device, there are 20 terminations. 74HC373 is its family. It operates with a supply voltage of 3V. 20 pins are available on it. This electronic device belongs to the family of HC/UH. The pin configuration of the device is 20. A Through Hole mounting method has been used for this electronic part. 2 ports are available on this device. The part is in the FF/Latches subcategory. The device is powered by 2/6V power supplies. It features maximum flexibility in design due to 7.8mA output current. 3 output lines generate the binary equivalent of the input lines.
MC74HC373ANG Features
20-DIP (0.300, 7.62mm) package 74HC series 8 Bits 74HC373 family 20 pin count 20 pins 2/6V power supplies
MC74HC373ANG Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC74HC373ANG Latches applications.