This clock IC is packaged using the Box method. The PDIP package includes this clock generator. In the reflowing process, this clock generator ic is able to maintain a maximum temperature of 240. In it, there are 16 terminations to be found. This time clock generator should be voltaged at 4.5V. For full access to the electronic component's capabilities, 1 circuits are implemented. Microprocessors are specifically designed to use this clock-generating IC, which has a 16-bit output. Electronic frequency generator can operate at low temperatures and can perform -55°C operations at a time. The RF synthesizer can still operate at 125°C with attenuated performance. PLL clock can handle a voltage of 5V as its supply voltage. The frequency generator has a CONTAINS THREE PHASE COMPARATORS feature to improve the output of clock signals. This clock generator cannot be powered by voltages higher than 6V. Its lowest supply voltage is 2V. PHASE LOCKED LOOP-RF synthesizers are analog integrated circuits that can be classified as analog ICs.
MC74HC4046AN Features
Available in the PDIP Supply voltage of 4.5V Operating supply voltage of 5V
MC74HC4046AN Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor MC74HC4046AN Clock Generators applications.