It is package in 52-VFQFN Exposed Pad case. It is packaged as a Tape & Reel (TR). A total of 52 terminations are present. With a voltage of 3.3V, high efficiency is possible. If this is the case, it will be mounted as Surface Mount. This electronic part is classified as Fanout Buffer (Distribution), Data. Set the temperature to -40°C~85°C for reliable performance. It should be capable of operating with a power supply of 3V~3.6V volts. It has been positioned in the way of Surface Mount. A pin count of 52 can be found on it. Buffer IC is HCSL, LVDS that is output. The 52 pins are utilized for operation. It belongs to the family NB3N121. There is a cut smart buffer contained in Clock Drivers that is used for this purpose. There is an electronic gadget called 3N in this family. A maximum supply voltage (Vsup) is set to 3.6V. In order for the supply voltage (Vsup) to stay above 3V, it should be kept as high as possible. There is a default setting of output 42. The supply voltage should be kept at 3.3V for maximum efficiency. It is capable of maintaining excellent accuracy with a frequency of 400MHz.
NB3N121KMNR2G Features
52 terminations The operating temperature of -40°C~85°C degrees Clock Drivers subcategory at 400MHz frequency
NB3N121KMNR2G Applications
There are a lot of ON Semiconductor NB3N121KMNR2G Clock Buffers & Drivers applications.