The electronic component is convenient to ship overseas because it is packed in a 16-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width). A high level of reliability can be achieved through the use of an advanced packaging method Tape & Reel (TR). A switch device like this is mounted in Surface Mount. The ratio between the number of multiplexer and demultiplexer circuits is 2:2. Increasing operating temperature to around -55°C~125°C TA. There are 16 terminations totally. As a result of its 2 channels, this electronic component provides high-quality output. When a voltage supply of 2.5V is used, the electronic component should be turned on and run. A key feature of the 16 series is the inclusion of this electronic part as part of its design. Circuits based on DPDT switching are used to construct these analog switch ics. NLAST44599 can be used to search for analog multiplexer variants. As far as internal resistance is concerned, it has 30Ohm. For functions related to 16 pins, please refer to the datasheets. In this analog multiplexer, the value is Multiplexer or Switches. Users shouldn't supply more than 5.5V voltage to the switch device. Single supply type digital switch with a low cost. It is recommended that the electrical component receives a voltage of 2V. For this digital switch to work, 4μA current would suffice. This analog switch requires a voltage of 2V~5.5V to drain from a single voltage supply. The electrical part can be operated at 5V voltage levels. In order to operate the 4 inputs, there are several steps to follow. Multiplexer ics with 8 outputs are available.