The ON Semiconductor NSBC143ZPDXV6T1G is a pre-biased bipolar transistor array in a SOT563 package. It consists of two NPN and two PNP transistors, each with a collector-emitter voltage rating of 40V and a continuous collector current rating of 0.2A. The transistors are pre-biased, meaning that the base-emitter voltage is already set to a certain value, allowing for faster switching times and improved performance.
The NSBC143ZPDXV6T1G is ideal for applications such as motor control, power management, and switching power supplies. It is also suitable for use in automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics. The device is RoHS compliant and halogen-free, making it environmentally friendly.
Features of the NSBC143ZPDXV6T1G include: • Pre-biased transistors • Collector-emitter voltage rating of 40V • Continuous collector current rating of 0.2A • RoHS compliant and halogen-free • Suitable for motor control, power management, and switching power supplies • Ideal for automotive, industrial, and consumer electronics applications.