The ON Semiconductor QEE123 is an infrared (IR) emitter designed for use in a variety of applications. It is a high-power, 880 nm, 50 mA radial emitter that is capable of producing a wide range of light intensities. The emitter is designed to be used in a variety of applications, including security systems, medical imaging, and industrial automation. It is also suitable for use in automotive, consumer electronics, and other applications.
Features of the QEE123 include a wide viewing angle, high power output, and low power consumption. The emitter is also designed to be highly reliable and durable, with a long life expectancy. It is also RoHS compliant and is available in a variety of packages.
The QEE123 is suitable for a variety of applications, including security systems, medical imaging, industrial automation, automotive, consumer electronics, and more. It is also suitable for use in a variety of lighting applications, such as LED lighting, automotive lighting, and more. The emitter is also suitable for use in a variety of other applications, such as machine vision, robotics, and more.