The microprocessor is conveniently packaged in 449-FBGA, making it easy to ship internationally. High reliability is provided by the advanced packaging method Tray. Understand the operating temperature around -20°C~75°C TA. A SH-4A processor powers this CPU. This is a MICROCONTROLLER, RISC for the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. Try searching for variants of the cpu microprocessor with R8A77800. Total terminations are 449. In the case of a 3.3V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. A 32-Bit architecture is used. CPUs operate at 400MHz Hz. For functions of 449 pins, please refer to the datasheets. The CPU microprocessor body is injected with 449 pins. Many applications use this CPU with Surface Mount mounted. From 3.3V, the micro processor can be used. RAM (Random Access Memory) is designed to be 16kB. The embedded microprocessor should not be supplied with a voltage higher than 3.6V. 3V should be the lowest voltage fed to the CPU microprocessor. 83 I/Os are used by CPU programs to transfer data. It is possible to tell how busy the CPU is by using 2 counters. The CPU is connected to DMA, POR, WDT peripheral devices.