In this case, the memory type of the device can be classified as Volatile. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tray case as well. An embedded 100-LQFP case surrounds memory ics. Memory size on the chip is 256Kb 16K x 16. SRAM-format memory is used in this device, which is a mainstream design. Suitable for use in a wide range of demanding applications, this device offers an extended operating temperature range of -40°C~85°C TA. It is capable of handling a voltage supply of 3V~3.6V. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. When selecting similar parts for the ic memory chip, IDT70V261 is often referred to.
70V261L25PFI Features
Package / Case: 100-LQFP
70V261L25PFI Applications
There are a lot of Renesas Electronics America Inc. 70V261L25PFI Memory applications.