The embedded microprocessor has been packed in 40-DIP (0.600, 15.24mm) for convenient overseas shipping. Using advanced packaging techniques Tube, high reliability is ensured. A CPU with 1 Core 16-Bit cores and width 1 Core 16-Bit busses is used. Understand how the operating temperature around 0°C~70°C TA is determined. With a core count of 80C88, this CPU is multicore. The CPU runs at 5.0V when it comes to I/O. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is MICROPROCESSOR. Overall, there are 40 terminations. The microprocessor should be turned on and run with a voltage supply of 5V volts. This microprocessor has an architecture of 16 bits. There is a maximum supply current of 5.5V in this microprocessor. Its external data bus width is 8. Micro processor body consists of 40 pins.
CP80C88Z Features
80C88 Core 16-Bit Structure
CP80C88Z Applications
There are a lot of Renesas Electronics America Inc. CP80C88Z Microprocessor applications.