LED drivers are designed with 6 outputs.1MHz is the frequency in which it operates.It operates using 16 terminations.The base of this board is configured as 16 pins.Based on our estimates, there are 6 segments.Surface Mount has been mounted with the device.This device contains 16 pins.According to its characteristics, it is also classified into Display Drivers.When the supply current should be less than 2mA, the device will provide high efficiency.For stable operation, it is recommended that the operating temperature not exceed 85°C.It is essential to maintain a temperature greater than -40°C in order to achieve stable operation.It is necessary to use 5.5V voltage to power systems.In this part, LED DISPLAY DRIVER represents the interface IC.This device produces a voltage of 5V as its output.
MAX1575ETE+ Features
Frequency of 1MHz Supply voltage of 3.6V Operating with the supply voltage of 5.5V Output voltage of 5V
MAX1575ETE+ Applications
There are a lot of Maxim Integrated MAX1575ETE+ LED Driver ICs applications.
Amusement Machines
Street lighting
White LED Backlight for portable equipment
Replacement lamps
Dimmable LED for vehicle interiors
General lighting
Panel lighting
LED backlight driver for LCD displays for portable equipment