A clock integrated circuit is packaged in a Tube-shaped package because it is for use as a clock. The 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP package includes this clock generator. This clock generator will sustain a maximum temperature of 240 when reflown. As you can see, it consists of 20 terminations. A voltage of 3V should be applied to this electronic frequency generator. As the Clock PLL's input, CMOS is designed to be used in order to generate the clock signal. An upper frequency limit of 7.5GHz Max can be achieved with this clock-based frequency synthesizer. With the Surface Mount, it is easy to install this electric component on the panel. It would be possible to supply this clock PLL with 3.3V of power. The supply voltage (Vsup) should be kept above 2.7V for normal operation. There are 2.7V~3.3V available for use with this clock PLL. Whenever the frequency generators's operating temperature exceeds 85°C, ha85°Cards may occur. If the ambient temperature is below -40°C, the frequency generator may not start. The RF synthesizer is compatible with Clock logic levels. This is an electronic part that can be classified as a Clock/Frequency Synthesizer (RF) in this case. Microprocessor-specific clock PLL with 20 bits.
ADF4007BCP Features
Available in the 20-WFQFN Exposed Pad, CSP Supply voltage of 3V
ADF4007BCP Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC ADF4007BCP Clock Generators applications.