The product is packaged in 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) in order to facilitate transportation.A comparator with an output type of CMOS, DTL, ECL, MOS, Open-Collector, TTL is being used.The chip is packaged with Tube .There are14 terminals on the comparator.Other Comparator like the device play a important role in the industry.This comparator is capable of handling a wide range of tasks if it is supplied with a voltage of 5V .Electronic comparator is possible to classify the chip as General Purpose .Currently, it consists of only 4 elements.The board includes 14 pins.Surface Mount universial mout for easy adapting.As a precaution, it is recommended to set the operating temperature to -40°C~85°C to prevent malfunctions.
CMP04FS Features
CMOS, DTL, ECL, MOS, Open-Collector, TTL output capability General Purpose IC Employing 4 elements Operates under -40°C~85°C
CMP04FS Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC CMP04FS linear comparators applications.