28-LCC (J-Lead) package. In this package, there is also the Tape & Reel (TR) package that is included. This product is available in Surface Mount. There is full functionality in the Differential output of this device. There is a NOR/OR Gate logic type of communication used in this application. There has been an increase in operating temperature at -40°C~85°C. Inputs for 16 Input (4, 4, 4, 4) are included in it. The product belongs to the 100E series. 4.2V~5.7V power supply is used to operate it. An additional feature of this part is that it has 28 terminations. There is a 28-pin join between the pins. Normal volatge needed for the part is 5V. Based on 4 basic circuits, it contains a wide range of functions. The maximum voltage that goes to the device should be keep under 5.7V.