There is a package in Tape & Reel (TR).The power supply is based on 4.5V~5.5V.A 9-Bit basic circuit is used in its construction.There is a 74F series to which it belongs.A Parity Generator/Checker logic communication type is used.In Surface Mount, the product is available.At -40°C~85°C, the operating temperature has been extended.The 14-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width) package is available.As a result, the high and low levels of current output are 1mA 20mA in relative terms.The part will be delivered as a device package from 14-SO supplier.
N74F280BD,623 Features
9-Bit circuits base Parity Generator/Checker logic IC
N74F280BD,623 Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC N74F280BD,623 applications of multivibrators.