The package has been packed in Bulk.Multivibrator operates using 4.75V~5.25V power supply.The circuit is based on a 8-Bit basic design.This is one of the series in 74FCT.Communication is based on logic type Identity Comparator.This product is available in Surface Mount.The operating temperature at 0°C~70°C has been extended.This device is based on the 8-bit logic.The product is a part of the FCT product line.In the part, you will find 20 terminations.This part requires a normal voltage of 5V.A maximum voltage of 5.25V should be maintained on the device.This device requires 4.75V voltage or higher to begin operation.There is also a CASCADABLE feature included in this part in order to improve performance.
QS74FCT2521BTSO Features
8-Bit circuits base Identity Comparator logic IC 8-Bit logic processing Now featuring CASCADABLE
QS74FCT2521BTSO Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC QS74FCT2521BTSO applications of multivibrators.