As far as memory types are concerned, Non-Volatile is considered to be its memory type. Tube-cases are available. There is a 28-DIP (0.600, 15.24mm) case embedded in it. The chip has an 64Kb 8K x 8 memory. There is a NVSRAM-format memory used in this device, which is the memory format used by mainstream devices. Due to its wide temperature range of 0°C~70°C TA, this device is well suited to a wide range of applications that require high performance. There is a voltage range of 4.5V~5.5V for the supply voltage. It is recommended that the mounting type be Through Hole. A total of 28 terminations have been planted on the chip. The comprehensive working procedure of this part involves 1 functions. The memory device designed for this application has been designed to be powered by an 5V power supply. The memory device has a total of 28 pins, thus indicating that it has a total of 28 memory locations.
STK12C68-WF45 Features
Package / Case: 28-DIP (0.600, 15.24mm)
STK12C68-WF45 Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC STK12C68-WF45 Memory applications.