Packed in 44-LQFP, the microprocessor is convenient for shipping overseas. Advanced packaging method Tray is used to provide high reliability. The CPU has 1 Core 8-Bit cores/Bus width. Extended operating temperature around -40°C~100°C TA. It comes from the Z80 series. This CPU runs I/O at 5.0V. As far as the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is concerned, this is a MICROPROCESSOR. There are 44 terminations totally. With a 5V voltage supply, the part should be turned on and run. It has a 8-Bit architecture. The supply voltage should not exceed 5.5V. This CPU has a wide external data Bus width of 8. 44 pins are injected into the part body. The embedded microprocessor has a clock frequency of 8MHz. Don’t miss additional features of the embedded microprocessor such as: DRAM MEMORY REFRESH COUNTER.
Z84C0008FEG Features
8-Bit Structure
Z84C0008FEG Applications
There are a lot of Rochester Electronics, LLC Z84C0008FEG Microprocessor applications.