In this LED driver, there are 10 outputs.On the basis of the frequency 1.2MHz, it operates.It operates with 36 terminations.The base of this board is configured as 36 pins.A total of 6 segments are estimated.I have mounted it by Surface Mount.There is a voltage output of 5.5V.It consists of 36 pins.For stable operation, the operating temperature should not exceed 85°C.For stable operation, the operating temperature should be higher than -30°C.It is necessary to have 5.5V voltages inside systems to power them.In this part, LED DISPLAY DRIVER represents the interface IC.
BD6088GUL-E2 Features
Frequency of 1.2MHz Supply voltage of 3.6V Operating with the supply voltage of 5.5V
BD6088GUL-E2 Applications
There are a lot of ROHM Semiconductor BD6088GUL-E2 LED Driver ICs applications.