Non-Volatile is its memory type. It comes in a Tape & Reel (TR). An embedded 8-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) case surrounds memory ics. The chip has an 4Kb 512 x 8 memory. This device uses a EEPROM-format memory, which is of mainstream design. Due to its extended operating temperature range, the device is well suited for a wide range of demanding applications. The device is capable of handling a supply voltage of 2.7V~5.5V. As far as the mounting type is concerned, Surface Mount is recommended. A total of 8 terminations have been planted on the chip. It is important to note that the memory has a clock frequency rotation within the range of 3MHz. A device's base part number, BR25040, is often used in order to identify similar components. A package of 8 pins is used to protect this memory device. This memory's operating supply voltage is 5V. Using Surface Mount mounting, this chip offers straightforward and high-efficiency mounting. Data is carried and transferred to the CPU by the SPI-type serial bus this memory integrates with. It is able to operate from a max supply current of 0.006mA.