44-QFP encloses the ICs.Integrated circuit is mounted using the way of Surface Mount.In various integrated circuits, it is referred to as a Error Detection and Handling (EDH).The GS9001 family can be searched for similar integrated circuit systems.44 terminations are present on the ICs solutions.In the ICs applications, there are 44 pins.Integrated circuit system should be used in temperatures below 70°C.This integrated circuit system's minimum supply voltage (Vsup) should not be less than 4.75V.Vsup should not exceed 5.25V for this application specific integrated circuit.This integrated circuit system falls under the subcategory Other Consumer ICs.There is a capability for delivering voltage at 5V.This logic ICs has a maximum supply current of 100mA.
GS9001-CQME3 Features
Supply power of 5V
GS9001-CQME3 Applications
There are a lot of Semtech Corporation GS9001-CQME3 Specialized ICs applications.