Since the microprocessor is packed in QFN, shipping overseas is convenient. As far as the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is concerned, this is a MICROCONTROLLER. In total, 24 terminations have been made. In the case of a 2.1V voltage supply, the embedded microprocessor should be turned on and run. An architecture based on 8 bits is used. 50MHz Hz is the frequency at which the CPU operates. To learn about the functions of the pins 24 please refer to their datasheets. Temperatures above 125°C should not be used with the microprocessor. As a result of its Surface Mount mounting, this CPU is widely used in a wide variety of applications. There is 1.3kB RAM (Random Access Memory) built in. normally, the microprocessor should not receive a voltage higher than 5.25V. CPU microprocessors should be fed with 1.8V voltage. Programs on the CPU transfer data through 18 I/Os. A CPU has memory sized 8kB. 4 counters are used to help tell how busy the CPU is.
C8051F547-AM Features
8-Bit Structure 1.3kB RAM 18 I/Os
C8051F547-AM Applications
There are a lot of Silicon Labs C8051F547-AM Microprocessor applications.
Metering & measurement field
Digital TVs
Vacuum cleaners
Process control devices
Fax machines
Industrial instrumentation devices
Hard drives
Smartphones-calling, video calling, texting, email