A MICROCONTROLLER represents the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type. The total number of terminations is 42. The microprocessor should be turned on and run with a voltage supply of 3V volts. There is a 8-Bit architecture in it. A maximum supply current of 3.6V is available. This microprocessor is a typical Microcontrollers. The embedded microprocessor has a clock frequency of 30MHz. This CPU microprocessor requires 1.8/3.6V power supplies according to the datasheet. CPU voltages cannot exceed 5mA. 19 I/Os are used by CPU programs to transfer data. There should be a value over -40°C in the operating environment. 8051 is the family of devices that belong to the CPU microprocessor.
SI1004 Features
8-Bit Structure 19 I/Os 8051 CPU Family
SI1004 Applications
There are a lot of Silicon Labs SI1004 Microprocessor applications.