A convenient transport package is provided in SOP .There are 16 terminals on the comparator.The electrical component in this case belongs to the Arithmetic Circuits families.A comparator is capable of completing a variety of demanding tasks when supplied with 5V voltage.As a result, it contains 16 pins.In order to run the device, there are only 3/15V power supplies required.An increase in temperature over 125°C is not recommended.Comparator electronics cannot be operated at a temperature lower than -55°C .In the comparator, the maximum supply voltage is 20V .Comparator electronics is possible to operate this comparator wComparator electronicsh a minimum supply voltage of 3V .
HCF4063BM1 Features
HCF4063BM1 Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics HCF4063BM1 linear comparators applications.