L6470H Description
The L6470 is an innovative fully integrated system for driving two-phase bipolar stepper motors with micro-stepping that is implemented in analog mixed-signal technology. It includes a dual low RDS(on) DMOS full-bridge, as well as accurate on-chip current sensing circuitry for non-dissipative current regulation and overcurrent protection in all power switches. A true 1/128 steps resolution is attained thanks to a unique control system. User-defined motion profiles including acceleration, deceleration, speed, or goal location can be simply programmed using specific registers on the digital control core. All commands and data registers are delivered through a standard 5-Mbit/s SPI, including those needed to set analog values (current control value, current protection trip point, deadtime, PWM frequency, and so on).
L6470H Features
Operating voltage: 8 - 45 V
7.0 A out peak current (3.0 A r.m.s.)
Low RDS(on) Power MOSFETs
Programmable speed profile and positioning
Programmable power MOS slew rate
Up to 1/128 microstepping
Sensorless stall detection
SPI interface
Low quiescent and standby currents
Programmable non-dissipative overcurrent
protection on high and low-side
Two levels of overtemperature protection
L6470H Applications
Bipolar stepper motors
Motor control applications