LM338K Description : The LM338K is a three-terminal adjustable positive voltage regulator with a 1.2 V to 32 V output range that can produce more than 5 A. It comes in a conventional steel TO-3 transistor packaging and can operate between 0 and 125 degrees Celsius. They're quite simple to use, with only two resistors needed to set the output voltage. Load and line regulation are equivalent to many commercial power supply because to careful circuit design.
LM338K Features : ■ Guaranteed 7 A peak output current ■ Guaranteed 5 A output current ■ Adjustable output down to 1.2 V ■ Line regulation typically 0.005 %/V ■ Load regulation typically 0.1 % ■ Guaranteed thermal regulation ■ Current limit constant with temperature ■ Standard 3-lead transistor package
LM338K Applications : Adjustable power supplies Constant current regulators Battery chargers