There is a memory type Non-Volatile for this type of device. In addition, memory ics is available in a Tube case as well. It is available in 32-LCC (J-Lead) case. On the chip, there is an 1Mb 128K x 8 memory, which is the size of the chip's memory. As with most mainstream devices, this one uses EPROM-format memory. The device's extended operating temperature range of 0°C~70°C TA makes it ideal for many demanding applications. A voltage of 4.5V~5.5V is possible to be applied to the supply. Its recommended mounting type is Surface Mount. The chip is terminated with 32 terminations. This part supports as many as 1 functions for the comprehensive working procedure. A voltage of 5V is required for the operation of this memory device. As the base part number for the device, M27C1001 is frequently used to select similar items. It has 32 pins indicating it has 32 memory locations. The operating supply voltage of this memory chip is noted to be 5V. In terms of its nominal supply current, this memory component is rated at 30mA. Despite all the merits of this chip, it also has 00.1.142 to boost system performance. Talking about power supplies, this memory chip requires merely 5V. As part of the design, the I/O port addresses are mapped into the memory using an COMMON-bit number. In most cases, this memory ics is regarded as being a type of OTP ROMs. In order for ic memory chip to run, it needs a maximum current of 30mA . A supply current of 30mA is suggested for the device.