The microprocessor is convenient for international shipping since it is packaged in PDIP. uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs are a MICROCONTROLLER. To date, there have been 32 terminations. You should be able to turn on and run the embedded microprocessor with a voltage supply of 5V. An architecture based on 8 bits is used. The embedded microprocessor is a typical Microcontrollers. To transfer data, there is a bandwidth of 8b. If the temperature is higher than 85°C, the microprocessor should not operate. A total of 32 pins are injected into the CPU microprocessor's body. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 8MHz. It is designed with 0 RAM (Random-Access Memory). CPU voltages cannot exceed 20mA. A voltage greater than 5.5V should not normally be applied to the embedded microprocessor. It is recommended to feed the CPU microprocessor with a voltage of 3.5V. By using 22 I/Os, CPU programs transfer data. Memory size on the CPU is 4kB. CPU activity is measured by the 1 counters. This CPU microprocessor has 22 programmable I/Os for I/O transfer. CPU microprocessors in the ST72 family belong to this family.
ST72T101G1B6 Features
8-Bit Structure 8b-Bit Data Bus Width 256B RAM 22 I/Os ST72 CPU Family
ST72T101G1B6 Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics ST72T101G1B6 Microprocessor applications.