STM32F302K8U7 Description
This P-Channel MOSFET has been designed specifically to improve the overall efficiency and minimize switch ordering of DC/DC converters using either
synchronous or conventional switching PWM controllers. It has been optimized for low gate charge, low rps(on), fast switching speed, and body diode reverse
recovery performance.
STM32F302K8U7 Features
Max rDs(on) = 3.9 m at Vgs = -4.5 V, lD = -22 A
Max rDs(on) = 6.4 m at Vgs = -2.5 V, lD = -16 A
State-of-the-art switching performance
Lower output capacitance, gate resistance, and gate charge boost efficiency
Shielded gate technology reduces switch node ringing and increases immunity to EMl and cross conduction
RoHS Compliant
STM32F302K8U7 Applications
High-side switching for high-end computing
High power density DC-DC synchronous buck converter