STM32F750N8H6 Description
The high-performance Arm? Cortex?-M7 32-bit RISC processor that powers the STM32F750N8H6 devices operates at a frequency of up to 216 MHz. A single floating point unit (SFPU) precision is a characteristic of the Cortex?-M7 core that supports all Arm? single-precision dataprocessing instructions and data formats. Additionally, a memory protection unit (MPU) and the entire set of DSP instructions are implemented, which improves the program security.
STM32F750N8H6 Features
? Dual CANs
? The SAI serial audio interfaces are two.
? A host interface for SDMMC
? Camera and Ethernet interfaces
? Display controller for LCD-TFT
? Chrom-ART Accelerator, Inc.
? Interface SPDIFRX
? the HDMI-CEC
STM32F750N8H6 Applications
? control of the motor's application,
? Medical supplies
? Applications for PLC, inverters, and circuit breakers in industry
? Scanners and printers
? HVAC, video intercom, and alarm systems;
? Home audio equipment,
? Internet of Things, mobile apps,
? Wearable technology, such as smartwatches