The high-performance Arm? Cortex?-M7 32-bit RISC core used in STM32H750IBT6 devices operates at up to 480 MHz. The Arm? double-precision (IEEE 754 compliant) and single-precision data-processing instructions and data formats are supported by the Cortex?-M7 core's floating point unit (FPU). The memory protection unit (MPU) and the entire range of DSP instructions are supported by STM32H750IBT6 devices to increase application security.
STM32H750IBT6 Features
Internal 3.3 V regulator embedded in dedicated USB power, supplying the internal PHYs
to supply the digital circuitry with a programmable, scalable embedded regulator (LDO).
Scaling of voltage in Run and Stop mode (6 configurable ranges) (0.9 V) Backup regulator
analog peripheral voltage reference/VREF+
Sleep, Stop, Standby, and VBAT supporting battery charge are examples of low-power modes.