STM8L101F3P6 Description
STM8L101F3P6 series are based on a high-performance ARM Cortex - M4 32-bit RISC core that runs at up to 168 MHz. The Cortex-M4 kernel uses floating point unit (FPU) single precision and supports all ARM single precision data processing instructions and data types. It also implements a complete set of DSP instructions and memory protection unit (MPU) to enhance the security of the application. The STM8L101F3P6 series integrate high-speed embedded memory (flash memory, flash memory up to 1 MB, SRAM up to 192 K bytes), backup SRAM up to 4 K bytes, and various enhanced Icano and peripherals connected to two APB buses, three AHB buses, and a 32-bit multi-AHB bus matrix.
STM8L101F3P6 Features
? Main microcontroller features
– Supply voltage range 1.65 V to 3.6 V
– Low power consumption (Halt: 0.3 μA,
Active-halt: 0.8 μA, Dynamic Run:
150 μA/MHz)
– STM8 Core with up to 16 CISC MIPS
– Temp. range: -40 to 85 °C and 125 °C
? Memories
– Up to 8 Kbytes of Flash program including
up to 2 Kbytes of data EEPROM
– Error correction code (ECC)
– Flexible write and read protection modes
– In-application and in-circuit programming
– Data EEPROM capability
– 1.5 Kbytes of static RAM
? Clock management
– Internal 16 MHz RC with fast wakeup time
(typ. 4 μs)
– Internal low consumption 38 kHz RC
driving both the IWDG and the AWU
? Reset and supply management
– Ultra-low power POR/PDR
– Three low-power modes: Wait, Active-halt,
? Interrupt management
– Nested interrupt controller with software
priority control
– Up to 29 external interrupt sources
? I/Os
– Up to 30 I/Os, all mappable on external
interrupt vectors
– I/Os with programmable input pull-ups, high
sink/source capability and one LED driver
infrared output
STM8L101F3P6 Applications
Low power modes