The embedded microprocessor has been packed in BGA for convenient overseas shipping. It is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Total terminations are 388. When the voltage supply is 3.45V, the cpu microprocessor should be powered on and run. It has a 32-Bit architecture. There is 75MHz frequency set for the CPU. It can supply a maximum current of 3.75V. Typical Microprocessors cpu microprocessor. To transfer data, there are 32b bandwidths available. It is recommended that the CPU microprocessor is not operated in an environment with a temperature of more than 100°C. Injecting pins into the embedded microprocessor body results in 388 pins. It is expected that the CPU will reach a top frequency of 75MHz. From 3.45V, the micro processor can be used. This CPU microprocessor requires 3.3V power supplies according to the datasheet. Random-Access Memory (RAM) is designed with an amount of 32kB KB. This embedded microprocessor includes additional features such as: 0 TO 100 OPERATING CASE TEMPERATURE. This CPU microprocessor has 388 programmable I/Os for I/O transfer.
STPCC0375BTC3 Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width 32kB RAM
STPCC0375BTC3 Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics STPCC0375BTC3 Microprocessor applications.