STR711FR2T6 Description
The STR71x series is a family of ARM-powered 32-bit microcontrollers with embedded Flash and RAM. It combines the high performance ARM7TDMI CPU with an extensive range of peripheral functions and enhanced I/O capabilities. STR71xF devices have on-chip high-speed single voltage FLASH memory and high-speed RAM. STR710R devices have high-speed RAM but no internal Flash. The STR71x family has an embedded ARM core and is therefore compatible with all ARM tools and software.
STR711FR2T6 Features
■ Core
– 59 MIPS @ 66 MHz from SRAM
– 45 MIPS @ 50 MHz from Flash
■ Memories
– Up to 256 Kbytes Flash program memory
(10 kcycles endurance, 20 years retention
@ 85 ° C)
– 16 Kbytes Flash data memory
(100 kcycles endurance, 20 years
retention@ 85 ° C)
– Up to 64 Kbytes RAM
– External Memory Interface (EMI) for up to 4
banks of SRAM, Flash, ROM
– Multi-boot capability
■ Clock, reset and supply management
– 3.0 to 3.6 V application supply and I/Os
– Internal 1.8 V regulator for core supply
– Clock input from 0 to 16.5 MHz
– Embedded RTC osc. running from external
32 kHz crystal
– Embedded PLL for CPU clock
– Realtime Clock for clock-calendar function
– 5 power saving modes: SLOW, WAIT,
■ Nested interrupt controller
– Fast interrupt handling with multiple vectors
– 32 vectors with 16 IRQ priority levels
– 2 maskable FIQ sources
■ Up to 48 I/O ports
– 30/32/48 multifunctional bidirectional I/Os
Up to 14 ports with interrupt capability
STR711FR2T6 Applications
control applications