A convenient transport package is provided in SO .The comparator has a PUSH-PULL output.There are 8 terminals on the comparator.The electrical component in this case belongs to the Comparator families.A comparator is capable of completing a variety of demanding tasks when supplied with 3V voltage.As a result, it contains 8 pins.Electronic comparator is recommended that the nominal supply current be 25μA in order to use the device normally.Electronic comparator is possible for the comparator to malfunction when the current supply exceeds 25μA .An increase in temperature over 125°C is not recommended.Comparator electronics cannot be operated at a temperature lower than -40°C .In the comparator, the maximum supply voltage is 16V .Comparator electronics is possible to operate this comparator wComparator electronicsh a minimum supply voltage of 2.7V .As a result, 2 channels work together to maintain the quality of the output.A comparator consists of a high-gain COMPARATOR amplifier.Comparator electronics has a rating of 4mA output current.
TS3V3702ID Features
PUSH-PULL output capability COMPARATOR amplifier
TS3V3702ID Applications
There are a lot of STMicroelectronics TS3V3702ID linear comparators applications.