16 terminations are used for its configuration. The supply voltage of 5V enables it operate in a fully flexible way. 1 elements are interconnected in wires. The number of all component pins is 16. There are 16 pins going on to connect other parts in the circuit. The way of Surface Mount is used to mount it. It emerges as a member of HC/UH family. The are 4 bits information in the device. In terms of Pbfree code, the result may be no. When it comes to this electronic device, RCO OUTPUT are much important features. This device is manufactured in the temperature grade of MILITARY. It takes supply voltage of 5V to operate. It operates at the maximum temperature of 125°C for extended periods of time with acceptable stability of its electrical characteristics. It is designed to operate over a specified temperature range with lower limit generally set at -55°C. The maximum voltage available for the device reaches 6V. The minimum voltage available for the device is as low as 2V.
5962-8407501VFA Features
RCO OUTPUT Operating supply voltage of 5V
5962-8407501VFA Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments 5962-8407501VFA Counters & Dividers applications.