The package in which it is embedded is named 48-TFSOP (0.240, 6.10mm Width). A package of Tape & Reel (TR) has been used. The output it is configured with uses Tri-State. A D-Type Transparent Latch logic type is used in this electrical device. Electronic parts are mounted in accordance with Surface Mount. It operates with a supply voltage of 4.5V~5.5V. A temperature of -40°C~85°C is set as the operating temperature. The 74ABT series contains FPGAs of this type. This electronic part is designed with 16 Bits. 74ABT16373 is its family. Designed with 48 pins, it is compatible with a wide range of devices. The electronic part is mounted in a way that corresponds to Surface Mount. Its output current of 64mA ensures maximum design flexibility. The supply voltage should be maintained at 5V for high efficiency. There are 16 output Lines, which generate the binary equivalent of the input line whose value is equal to “1” and are available to encode either a decimal or hexadecimal input pattern to typically a binary or “B. C. D” (binary coded decimal) output code. It consumes 85mA of quiescent current without being affected by external factors. A total of 2 elements are contained in it.
74ABT16373ADGGRG4 Features
48-TFSOP (0.240, 6.10mm Width) package 74ABT series 16 Bits 74ABT16373 family 48 pins 2 elements
74ABT16373ADGGRG4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments 74ABT16373ADGGRG4 Latches applications.