It involves terminating a transmission line with an impedance-matching device.ANALOG CIRCUIT is the analog IC that this device employs.Keeping the operating temperature below 85°C is recommended.In order for the system to work normally, the supply voltage (Vsup) should be kept above 1.7V.The maximal supply voltage (Vsup) reaches 1.9V.It is recommended that the operating temperature be at least -40°C.In addition, IT ALSO HAS SUPPLY 1.9TO 3.6 AND 3 TO 5.5 is a characteristic of it.
AFE44I30YZT Features
AFE44I30YZT Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments AFE44I30YZT AFE applications.
Broadband data applications
Audio/Video devices
CMOS Image sensors for mobile applications
3-phase power control
Digital Multimeters, PLC's (Programming Logic Controllers)