As far as the uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs type is concerned, this is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC. There are 361 terminations totally. With a 1.3V voltage supply, the part should be turned on and run. It has a 32-Bit architecture. The CPU operates at a frequency of 456MHz. Please refer to the datasheets for 361 pins functions. The size of data Bus of the CPU is based on 32b-bit system. The microprocessor should not operate in an environment where the temperature is higher than 105°C. 361 pins are injected into the part body. Surface Mount mounted, this CPU is widely used in many applications. The top frequency of the CPU is expected to reach 456MHz. The micro processor can function from 1.3V. The CPU core voltage is 1.35V. The amount of RAM (Random-Access Memory) is designed 8kB. In a normal situation, users should not supply the CPU microprocessor with a voltage higher than 1.35V. The lowest voltage fed to the CPU microprocessor should be 1.25V. This embedded microprocessor is equipped with 3 UART (Universal Asynchro3us Receiver/Transmitter) channels
AM1806BZCE4 Features
32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width 8kB RAM
AM1806BZCE4 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments AM1806BZCE4 Microprocessor applications.