Since the microprocessor is packed in 298-LFBGA, shipping overseas is convenient. High reliability is achieved by using advanced packaging methods Tube. This CPU has 1 Core 32-Bit cores and 1 Core 32-Bit bus widths. K-40°C~90°C TJw what the operating temperature is around -40°C~90°C TJ. In the series Sitara™, it is found. ARM® Cortex®-A8 processors are embedded in this CPU. There are LPDDR, DDR2, DDR3, DDR3L RAM controllers used by this CPU. Microprocessors with CAN, I2C, McASP, McSPI, MMC/SD/SDIO, UART interfaces are designed to serve users better. 1.8V 3.3V is the I/O speed of this CPU. It is a MICROPROCESSOR, RISC in terms of uPs/uCs/Peripheral ICs. Use AM3354 to search for variants of the cpu microprocessor. The total number of terminations is 298. Turning on and running the embedded microprocessor with a 1.1V voltage supply should be possible. The architecture of the microprocessor is 32-bit. A CPU operates at a frequency of 600MHz. Detailed functions for 298 pins can be found in the datasheets. For data transfer, there is 32b bandwidth available. A 1-core CPU is used here. In this case, 1.1V is the starting point. 1.144V is the core voltage of the CPU. In this case, the amount of RAM (Random-Access Memory) is set to 64kB. There is a maximum voltage you can supply to the CPU of 400mA. This embedded microprocessor has 6 UART (Universal Asynchro6us Receiver/Transmitter) channels
AM3354BZCED60 Features
ARM® Cortex®-A8 Core 32-Bit Structure 32b-Bit Data Bus Width 1-Core CPU 64kB RAM
AM3354BZCED60 Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments AM3354BZCED60 Microprocessor applications.