It comes in the package of a Tape & Reel (TR). For convenience, it is included in the 14-TSSOP (0.173, 4.40mm Width) package.Surface Mount is the mounting type of the device.The temperature should be set to -20°C~85°C TA to ensure reliable performance.An analog IC of POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT is used in this device.To charge the device, Constant - Programmable current is required.Based on the base part number BQ24901, its related parts can be identified.It has 14 terminations.The device has a total of 14 pins.There are several programmable features, such as Current, Timer.It is rated at 30mA at maximum charging current.In order to operate it, it has 14 pins.Currently, there are 2 channels available.Batteries with 6V should be able to power it.It is possible to achieve high efficiency by using an output voltage of 4.2V.A 80mA output current is used for operation.Devices in this category are classified as Power Management Circuits.In order to mount it, it has to align itself with Surface Mount.It is set to 2mA for Vsup (maximum supply voltage).For best efficiency, set the supply voltage to 10V.Normal operation requires a supply voltage (Vsup) above 3V.