This system battery uses an analog integrated circuit (IC) called POWER SUPPLY SUPPORT CIRCUIT. Channels available are 1. It is imperative to keep this transceiver ic set to 20V at all times. UV THRESHOLD VOLTAGE IS 2.75V can be discovered in the smart tools battery when using it. Upon reaching 25V, the maximum supply voltage (Vsup) can be applied. To operate a power supply, a voltage greater than 3V (Vsup) is needed. A maximum of 0.009mA current must be available from the supply (Isup). A temperature below 85°C is recommended for operation. Work should be done at a temperature higher than -40°C.
BQ7790518PW Features
operate supply voltage at the range of 20V Supply Voltage-Max (Vsup) : 25V
BQ7790518PW Applications
There are a lot of Texas Instruments BQ7790518PW Battery Management ICs applications.