Package 16-SOIC (0.154, 3.90mm Width). There is a Tube package included in this package as well. Surface Mount is available for purchase. Single-Ended output is fully functional. There is a AND/OR Gate logic type of communication used in this application. The operating temperature at -55°C~125°C has been extended. 2 inputs are contained in this component. The product belongs to the 4000B series. Power is supplied by a 3V~18V-shaped connector. Part includes 16 terminations. For more parts like these, search CD4019. The pins are joined by 16 pins. Designed as a Surface Mount device, it is easy to install and disassemble. This is a logic gate 16 solution. It is normal to need 5V volts for this part. It is a Gates that is for specialiGatesed needs. It is observed across the device that when it is in a quiescent state, a current of 40nA exists. It is important for users to be aware that this device requires 3V or higher voltage in order to operate. The device uses 1 outputs. A 4 element is incorporated to enhance logic performance. It generates 6.8mA current at its output ends.